Interest Groups

Members may choose to join up to three (3) Interest Groups as part of their membership. Interest Group membership benefits include:

  • Leadership opportunities to serve as Interest Group officer
  • Special mailings and emails from Interest Groups
  • Opportunity to network with others whose research and teaching interests are similar

ECA formally recognizes its twenty Interest Groups to assist the organization in conducting its business and coordinating convention programs and panels.

For additional information regarding ECA's Interest Groups, please choose from the following list:

Applied Communication

Argumentation and Forensics

Communication Administration

Communication and Technology

Communication Law & Ethics

Communication Traits

Community College

Health Communication

Instructional Communication

Intercultural Communication

Interpersonal Communication

Interpretation and Performance Studies

Kenneth Burke

Media Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Organizational Communication

Philosophy of Communication

Rhetoric and Public Address

Theory and Methodology

Voices of Diversity